What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented Reality (AR) allows a viewer to see digital information (text, images, 3D models, and more) superimposed on the real world seen through a screen. The screen can be an AR-enabled smartphone or tablet, or an AR headset. AR headsets vary widely in design and functionality and are increasingly adopted in industrial and other work settings; for example, the US Army has purchased 100,000 Microsoft Hololens devices (labeled Mixed Reality by Microsoft) for use in training and active combat support.
Why is the Augmenting Rural Healthcare Project needed?
The United States is facing a crisis in rural health, with 120 hospitals in rural areas closing in the past decade, 19 of them in 2019, and the number of doctors dwindling. Transportation to a care facility that has the necessary expertise to treat certain issues can take too long, exposing patients to the risk of complications or death. The frontline care providers such as EMTs, Paramedics, Ambulance Drivers, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and others may not have the training they need on procedures that could save a patient’s life. We believe that connecting healthcare workers in the field with doctors in another location can lead to better outcomes. Applying Augmented Reality in a manner similar to telemedicine is another step in the evolution of healthcare.
How is Augmenting Rural Healthcare different from telemedicine?
Telemedicine appointments typically involve an encounter between a patient and a doctor over a computer, tablet, or smart phone. Augmenting Rural Healthcare differs from traditional telemedicine in that is facilitated through an Augmented Reality headset worn by an EMT, Ambulance driver, Nurse, Paramedic, or other frontline healthcare provider. Like telemedicine, Augmenting Rural Healthcare brings a doctor’s expertise to a patient’s location. In the case of Augmenting Rural Healthcare, the f
How does Augmenting Rural Healthcare help patients?
Augmenting Rural Healthcare makes it possible for patients to have access to more caregivers and those with more or specialized skills than might ordinarily be available when EMTs, Paramedics, or an Ambulance is called. Because Augmenting Rural Healthcare provides extra support to those frontline healthcare workers, they are better equipped to address patients’ needs and to do so in a timely manner.
What are the benefits of Augmenting Rural Healthcare for care providers?
An encounter with a patient whom one is not able to help can be a devastating experience for medical professionals. The feeling of helplessness that comes with being the only option for treatment but not being adequately equipped to do so can be overwhelming. Watching a patient die because skilled care was not readily available can leave lasting scars, contributing to PTSD and burnout. Our Augmented Reality solution provides a way for frontline caregivers to enhance the treatment they can offer patients and helps them feel confident that they are doing all they can to save lives and prevent complications. Simply put, Augmenting Rural Healthcare enhances the skills and expands the treatment options that a frontline healthcare worker can provide.
Can I wear glasses with the Mira Prism headset?
Yes, the screen on the Mira Prism headset sits far enough away from the face to allow regular eyeglasses to be worn together with the headset.